2015.12.20 Conference: Setting an Agenda for Historical Research on European Law. Actors, Institutions, Policies and Member States Conference organized in collaboraton with the European University Institute on December 9-11, 2015 in Florence, Italy
2015.10.29 Morten Rasmussen will give a lecture at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin On November 3 Morten Rasmussen will give lecture at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. The presentation is a part of the series of lectures titled "Recht im Kontext". Click here to read more.
2015.06.16 Conference: Towards A New History of European Law Together with College of Europe, Department of European Legal Studies (Bruges) the research group presents the international conference "Towards a New History of European Law". In contemporary Europe, the Court of…
2015.03.15 Conference at the American University: The Use of Foreign Law in Constitutional Adjudication Bill Davies has organised a conference taking place at the American University (Washington, D.C.) on March 30 with the title: The Use of Foreign Law in Constitutional Adjudication: Global Influence, Judicial Diplomacy…
2015.02.26 Brigitte Leucht to give keynote at the CNRS Summer School Brigitte Leucht has been invited to give a keynote lecture at the CNRS Summer School from June 9-12 in Normandy, France. The lecture will be entitled "The Political constructions of Europe: New historical and…
2015.02.13 Alexandre Bernier participates in a debate at Studenterhuset On Wednesday February 25 Alexandre Bernier will be discussing the particularity of the French notion of secularism (laïcité) together with the journalist Bjørn Bredal. The event will take place at 'Studenterhuset' in…
2015.02.10 The new Director at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History visits the project On February 18 the new Director of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, Professor Stefan Vogenauer, will visit the project in order to discuss the state of the art of the historiography on European…
2015.02.03 New online article: The European Court of Justice: A Challenge or a Benefit? Morten Rasmussen discusses the European Court of Justice - is the court a challenge or a benefit? In Danish.
2015.01.30 Workshop on political history and European integration co-organized by Karin van Leeuwen On January 30 a workshop with the title "New Political History and European Integration: Third international workshop" will be held at the University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Humanities, Department of History, European…
2015.01.19 New online article: The Court of Justice of the European Union and national law (In Danish) Morten Rasmussen discusses two important decisions in the 1960s in an article in Altinget.