Panel Debate 30 May: Great Personalities in Law

The role of biographical studies in the history of international and European law.
This panel debate will explore the lives of famous American legal scholar Eric Stein, the influentialdirector of the European Commission’s Legal Service from 1953-1969 Michel Gaudet and finally the judges of the European Court of Justice from 1952-1972. The aim is to present different examples of recent biographical studies in order to address the question of how biographical methodologies can contribute to the understanding of the history of international and European law.
Read more here
Time: Thursday May 30, 14-16.
Venue: U CPH, Bispetorvet 1-3, Room 213, 1167 Copenhagen K
- Alexandra Kemmerer, Academic Coordinator and Co-director, Humboldt University Law School
- Anne Boerger, Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Canada
- Vera Fritz, Doctoral Student, Aix-Marseille Université, France
- Ann-Christina Lauring Knudsen, Associate Professor, University of Aarhus and
- Niklas Olsen, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The event is open to the general public.
Please contact Tina Pia Peirano ( to participate.
Organised by SAXO History and Law Group and Rethinking European Integration (CEMES)