2014.12.04 "Croesus' World: Human Rights in the Age of Inequality" On Thursday December 4 10:00-12:00 there will be held a seminar with Samuel Moyn, Professor of Law and History, Harvard Law School. Venue: Nordskov Room, The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Wilders Plads 8K, 1403…
2014.11.27 Brigitte Leucht gives EURECO lecture on the competition policy of the EU Brigitte Leucht gives EURECO lecture on "Reinventing Societal Preferences? The Origins of the Competition Policy of the European Union". You can find her lecture as podcast here. You can also download slides from the…
2014.11.03 Vera Fritz will defend her dissertation Vera Fritz will defend her dissertation entitled: Contribution à l’histoire de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne à travers des biographies historiques de ses premiers membres (1952 – 1972) on 22 November 2014 at…
2014.10.31 New online article: European Financial Privacy in Peril Together with Julia Morriss (American University) Bill Davies has written a new online article with the title: "European Financial Privacy in Peril". The article is based on a longer piece by Bill Davies & Julia Morriss…
2014.10.24 Lecture by Professor Frank Schorkopf Towards a History of European Law - Lecture by Professor Frank Schorkopf Time and place: Friday 24 October, 13-16, KUA, KAren Blixensvej 4, 2300 Amager, Room 12.4.07 Discussant: Karin van Leeuwen, Assistant…
2014.10.22 Jonas Pedersen lectured at the American University Washington College of Law Jonas Pedersen has given the lecture "European Law and National Parliamentary Sovereignty" at the American University Washington College of Law, on October 22, 2014. Description: No one is equal to or above the…
2014.10.07 Morten Rasmussen to teach historical methodology at the EUI Wednesday 8 October 2014 (one-day workshop), 14.00-18.00, Villa Salviati at the European University Institute, Department of Law, Florence. Associate Professor Morten Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) will teach…
2014.10.01 New publication by Bill Davies and Morten Rasmussen Bill Davies and Morten Rasmussen have contributed with a chapter to the new publication The Institutions and Dynamics of the European Community, 1973-83, edited by Johnny Laursen. The chapter is titled "From…
2014.09.15 Alexandre Bernier interviews Emmanuel Todd on radio On Wednesday, September 15, at 20.00 you can hear Alexandre Bernier interview the French historian and demographer Emmanuel Todd on the Danish-French radiostation Escapade, based in Copenhagen. Emmanuel Todd works at th…
2014.09.15 Research presentation by Bill Davies in Rome, Italy Bill Davies has presented results from his latest research in a research presentation titled The Reception of European Community Law in Italian and German Constitutional Case-Law (1952-1979) at the Center for…
2014.09.09 Pre-defence and Research Seminar Tuesday, September 9, 2014 Venue: University of Copenhagen, room 12.4.07 (KUA2) The history of European Union law is a new research field under establishment. The program first covers the pre-defence of a new…
2014.09.01 Rebekka Byberg teaches master's course at University of Copenhagen This fall Rebekka Byberg is teaching a master's course in The History of the EU 1945-2014 at the SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen.
2014.09.01 New publication by Anne Boerger and Morten Rasmussen Anne Boerger and Morten Rasmussen have contributed to the second issue of the journal European Constitutional Law Review (vol. 10, no. 02, 2014) with an article titled "Transforming European Law: The Establishment of th…
2014.06.26 Symposium: 50 Years Costa/ENEL - Settling the Supremacy of European Law? On June 26 a symposium on "50 Years Costa/ENEL - Settling the Supremacy of European Law? Interdisciplinary perspectives on 50 years Costa/ENEL" will take place at the University of Amsterdam. Ever since the Costa/ENEL…
2014.06.24 Research seminar in relation to the symposium "50 Years Costa/ENEL" In relation to the symposium "50 Years Costa/ENEL - Settling the Supremacy of European Law? Interdisciplinary perspectives on 50 years Costa/ENEL" on June 26, University of Amsterdam (read more here), the research group…
2014.06.01 Presentation on the history of human rights in EU In June Bill Davies participates in the conference "European Court of Human Rights: What will change after the accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights" at the Academy on Human Rights, Washington…
2014.05.28 Public Lecture by Babara J. Keys Reclaiming American Virtue: The human rights revolution of the 1970s Wednesday 28 may, from 14:30-16:15 Danish Institute for Human Rights, Wilders Plads 8k, 1403 Copenhagen K, Nordskov meeting room (3rd floor)…
2014.04.23 European Social Science History Conference Karin van Leuween and Brigitte Leucht participates in the 2014 European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) in Amsterdam on April 23-26. Karin van Leuween has co-organized the session "Experts in Politics:…
2014.03.14 Participation in the Congress of the Council for European Studies: Resurrections Several members of the research project participates in the congress: "Congress of the Council for European Studies: Resurrections" Venue: Washington, DC. Date: March 14-16, 2014. Program: March 14 Members of the…
2014.03.13 Participation in conference: EU Law Stories: Comparative and Contextual Histories of European Jurisprudence EU Law Stories conference: Comparative and Contextual Histories of European Jurisprudence Several members of the research project participates in the conference on March 13, 2014. Venue: American University, 4801…
2014.02.27 Alexandre Bernier participated in conference at University of Nantes Alexandre Bernier participated in “The Citizen's Europe and the European Citizenship” interdisciplinary conference at University of Nantes on 14-16 November 2013. Bernier participated in “The European Citizenship throug…
2014.02.03 Morten Rasmussen lectures at London School of Economics Morten Rasmussen gives a lecture at the Department of Law, London School of Economics on 6 February 2014 entitled: Europe in the making. The history of the negotiations of the institutional and legal features of the…
2014.01.17 Lunch seminar with Damian Chalmers On January 17 the FKK research group will host a lunch seminar with Professor Damian Chalmers, Professor of European Law, London School of Economics. Read more about Professor Chalmers here. All are welcome. Place and…
2014.01.15 Bill Davies visiting scholar at EU Centre of Excellence In the spring of 2014 Bill Davies will be a visiting scholar at the EU Centre of Excellence, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Visiting scholars to the EU Center are provided with office space and access to the…